Randy Papesh (he/him) is an illustrator and character designer based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

He is a current student at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, pursuing a BFA degree in Illustration.
Randy works in both traditional and digital media. In his practice, he focuses on representation, internet subcultures, fashion subcultures, and bright colors. He not only wants to create fun and engaging works for his audience, but for the audience to feel seen in the works as well.
Instagram + (320) 349 - 0927
My art is never to be sold or minted as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or put on "blockchain" by clients or others even with a commercial license. My artwork is never to be sold or minted as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or put on "blockchain". All NFTs containing my artwork or intellectual property (IE original characters) were not made by me and are illegally minted. I do not support the business of NFTs, cryptocurrency, or blockchain. My art is never to be used to train, validate, or test a neural network (AI). I do not support the business of AI or neural network programs.
All images © 2023 Randy Papesh. No image in whole, or part, may be reproduced in any media. To do so violates federal copyright law.